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Growing up, I wasn’t told by many people that “I CAN...” It was often recommended that “I Should Just...” fit into whatever box society created for little black girls. Brown Girls Can sets out to change that narrative. Brown Girls Can’s mission is to remind US that we CAN Tech, Heal, Slay, WIN!

Tanysha Powell - Creator


For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved all thing computers and all things helping people. To this day, I love to watch the change in facial expressions when I mention working in the IT field for over 12 years with no formal tech training/degree. Even more shock registers on their faces when I mention that I’m currently pursuing a dual degree in Psychology and Sociology.


Brown Girls Can TECH will show young girls that the glass ceiling society attempts to put over our head can and will be broken. We set out to build and nurture the future engineers, programmers, developers, etc





Growing up, I was raised by a family of women. The “Brown” women were strong, independent, and a force to be reckoned with. But, in the midst of that strength lied a lot of brokenness. With the consistent stigma (especially in the black community) that therapy was taboo, “healing” wasn’t considered necessary because there was nothing wrong. This thought process was passed down and so began the cycle of “unhealing”.


As I grew, I began to realize the cycle the was happening within the “Brown” girls. I chose to take steps within to break that cycle. After a series of events occurred in my life, I decided to begin therapy and thus began my road to healing.


Once I became a mother, I knew it was imperative that I began to pass on a new cycle of identifying and healing those broken areas to my daughter.


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